Saturday, December 1, 2007

Projects...mid-term test...Presents...I have to finish all these things in this month. Sometimes, I need to do my assignments until 3:00 a.m. or 4:00a.m. I feel very tired. Also, another projects are coming soon. I need to discuss it with my classmates when we finished our lessons or before the lessons. So, we need to stay at HKCC from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m. . We need to do three projects which are Thinking Sociologically, English and Psychology. Unfortunately, we have presentations on English and Psychology on 30/11 and Thinking Sociologically on 5/12. Also our exam is coming soon too. Oh….how can I handle it? Do I have enough time to study? I hope I can have a long Semester break before the exam.

Recently, I watched <>. Miki Ichinose is an average junior high school second grader, who likes spending time with her friends and prefers extra curricular activities to studying. She also enjoys dating her year-older boyfriend, Satoshi Kirino (Haruma Miura). Unfortunately she gets pregnant and decides to keep the baby.

Miki finally decides to keep the baby, and flees home to find a place to give birth peacefully. Her Journey is, of course, full of hurdles: People, when finding out about her situation, begin pointing fingers. And some even become abusive towards her. Still, as in every, journey, goodhearted people are always there to help. In such a harsh situation. Miki never loses her cheerful and positive attitude, because she already knows she will never be alone again. As Miki begins to show, she also matures mentally by rousing maternal instincts, attaining strength and tendency as a future mother.

I cannot understand why she decides to keep the baby. And how can she face all the difficulties.

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